Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is normal, anger or grace?

The prevailing winds, from many voices, tell me that I should be angry. "Let it out! It's ok to be mad and angry! That's normal!!!" There's just one issue here, there isn't any anger. It's been replaced with grace & love. Maybe that is not normal; at least not by the world's standards & expectations. Have you ever wondered if there is perhaps another state of normal? God's normal. What a novel idea! It just came to me, really.

I have been so perplexed by the multitudes who truly want (maybe even need) me to show anger through this trial. I am told that I have a RIGHT to be mad! Who assigned me this right? Beats me. I say thanks, but no thanks. Anger & bitterness only consume the person who stews in it like a cancer growing in us. Why would I choose that for myself? Instead there is grace, a concept so simple yet we try to make it so complex & difficult to obtain.

Sure grace is not the "normal" response that our emotions would have us evoke, but are we not instructed to "live by the Spirit & not the flesh," meaning let's not be controlled by our emotions & the norms of this life. Instead let us choose the fruit of the Spirit & God's norm; Grace. Some would say, "but I just can't get there. This is just the way I am or maybe it's for you but not for me. To each his own. It's just going to take me a long time. You wouldn't understand it's a woman thing, a mother thing, a generational thing, it's different with my situation, you're not in my shoes", etc. I think I've heard it all and I didn't even go looking.

People want to be validated where they are. If I would just be angry then we could all sigh deeply & be comforted feeling it is just fine to hang on to this cancer. The truth just stares us in the face though, doesn't it? Brian, I am just not capable of letting it go & replacing it with Grace. You know what, you're right, you are not! (Bet you didn't expect that one!)

Only as Christians, through the power of the Holy Spirit, are we capable of such amazing grace. It is not by our own efforts. Now, doesn't that feel better already? If you've been making excuses to bask in your anger, not knowing how to come to grace; it is truly that simple. One caveat though, you actually have to sincerely want it.

Admit, understand, that Jesus's sacrifice was sufficient to cover ALL sins, ALL injuries, ALL wrongdoing. You do not have to be the judge holding someone's feet to the fire. God said, it's not good for you!!! It will only bring you pain & suffering. Let me be the judge. Let my Son bear this weight, pay the penalty. He died for you after all, isn't that enough! He died for the entire world; even those who have caused you harm or wronged you. He died for them as well.

So what are you waiting for? No one is going to scoff at you for giving in to grace. No one is going to "get away" with their bad deeds just because you're not there to condemn. God's justice is, well... just! The price is paid, justice is met! You are free from this burden you carry! Take it, it's a free gift just like salvation & it is AMAZING!!! I promise, I know...I'm living in it & no amount of pep talks, prodding or stoking is going to rob me of such joy that comes along with such awesome grace. It's ok, it is God's normal! :)

P.S. If this somehow came across as a scaithing rebuke (which it is not meant to) you should ask yourself why this is.

Scriptural references
Proverbs 22:24-25; 29:11
Romans 4:23-28; 6:15-23; 8:9-16; 12:9-21;
1 Corinthians 13:1-7
1 Peter 3:8-12
2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
Just to name a few.

Today's song...again Hillsong! I see a trend brewing.

None but Jesus

In the quiet, in the stillness
I know that you are God
In the secret of your presence
I know there I am restored
When you call I won't refuse
Each new day, again I'll choose

There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise

In the chaos, in confusion
I know you're sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do your will
When you call I won't delay
This my song through all my days

There is no one else for me
None but JesusCrucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise

I am yours and you are mine...

All my delight is in you Lord
All of my hopeAll of my strength
All my delight is in you Lord

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